Sunday, September 20, 2009


Every time I see pictures of this sculpture, my heart breaks a little. It is my favorite sculpture. Michelangelo carved it when he was only 21. Many people refused to believe that he carved it so he carved his name across Mary's chest. I had a very difficult time finding a good picture of the Pietà online. I have the most beautiful photos of this sculpture in a book titled The World of Michelangelo by Robert Coughlin and the editors of Time-Life books. The photos are by Arnold Newman. These are both his. I prefer his photo of the sculpture to others I have seen because it is taken at an angle so Christ's face is visible.
The Pietà is buffed to a high gloss. The figures are out of proportion due to the difficulty of fitting a full grown man across Mary's lap. Mary is depicted as being much younger than she would have been when Christ was crucified. The folds in the fabric are incredibly detailed and I can't help but believe that they would move if I touched them. Mary's face is so serene and peaceful as she gazes at the body of her dead son.
I don't think you need to be Christian to appreciate the Pietà. The skill alone is enough to inspire awe in any viewer and almost anyone can imagine the pain and sadness inherent in the act of a mother cradling her murdered son in her arms.
I'll never be able to comprehend how Michelangelo could look at a solid block of marble and see this inside of it.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Yellow Organza Dress

I adore dresses. They are immensely feminine. A well-made dress drapes a woman's body in begging-to-be-touched fabrics, accentuating her curves, imbuing her with confidence.
This dress has been one of my favorites from the moment I saw it. The color, the frilled deep v-neck are playful without being inappropriate for such a formal event. The slender belt and the twisted front of the skirt makes the fabric drape beautifully across her hips and down to her feet. The fabric in the train echoes the frilled neckline and adds texture to the bottom of the dress.
Some people didn't like this dress. I'm not sure why. Too unconventional, perhaps? This dress was from a few years ago, but it has stuck in my mind. You can see the dress here on a model, but I prefer it on someone a little more curvaceous. Superb job, Vera Wang.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Let's get started

Ok, so I'm trying blogging. I have a lot of time to kill so I spend a great deal of time looking up images online. I've found some good stuff. GOOD stuff. I like it anyway. I plan to post these things and write about them. There will be great links and pretty pictures. Want me to find something pretty where you think pretty can't be found? I'll do it! Let's begin, shall we?


I was at the doctor's office a few weeks ago and there was an interior design magazine with a section on blue velvet. Unfortunately I can't remember the name of the magazine, but I remember the pictures. Deep blue velvet furniture, some with patterns, in a room full of dark wood. I wanted so badly to be in that room, for it to be mine. It gave me visions of velvet heels and blazers, handbags and curtains, all in that same luxurious blue velvet. Lusciously delicious.